unknown unknown Carol Butch Katie and Don (your
moms parents?)
Katie, Slim, Anna(slims sister),Sophie (wife ofslims brother
Al) Al; bottom row Butch Joe Liz &Marion
Butch and Don
old Uncle Emile and old Aunt Anna (yes thats how gran refers
to them
Butch promoted info on
Amelia and Roy Smith grans parents (my favorite
photo of our great grandmother)
cousin Emile -his mother Anna was Amelias sister
cousin Anna-- her mother was Minnie , Amelias
Emile, Katie Margie and Dominick Margie was
Emiles ex-wife and my godmother.She dumped Emile for Dominick, who was disliked by
Aunt Evelyn her father was grannys grandfathers
(August) cousin
Anna(slims sister) granny Sophie (Als wife) and
Estelle daughter of Al and Sophie
standing on left are BettyAnn
and Freddie-- Freddie is Emiles brother and Betty his wife that was at Butchs
wedding he may have a clearer shot
August and Mary Dendler grannys mothers parents